Saturday, March 15, 2014
Details, details
Well, there is nothing like moving and divorcing to remind you over and over again that the devil is in the details. And one detail leads to a question about another detail which had been forgotten and maybe on purpose.
In the best of circumstances, like when you are moving to your dream job in your dream city with your whole life ahead of you and you're pretty sure it's going to be awesome....well even then there are details that can trip you up.
So in THIS circumstance.....when I am moving because my entire life and the way it is structured is transforming and not completely by my own desires and when the intellect tells me it is for the best but the emotions and the heart cannot handle ONE MORE REMINDER of the life that was....well that circumstance can be good or bad depending on the detail management.
So.....some days better than others.
And on the not so good days it is enough to just take a nap and hope to wake up with a clearer mind because forcing myself to tend to details....well that is just a set up for emotional meltdown.
Which I can do just fine on my own even on a good day, thank you very much.