Driving along, minding my own business, as they say....out in a somewhat rural area, but driving through some road construction, I happened to pass by one of those huge earth moving kind of machines, it was close and completely put me in mind of a tyrannosaurus rex, with its huge mouth open and ferocious. I immediately thought of Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, a favorite book from childhood. Now I have no idea if that big machine was a "steam shovel," or if there are even any steam shovels left in this advanced world, but that's where I went with the image.
Mike Mulligan. I think I always thought it was a "boy's book," because it was urban and about work (don't ask...somehow I made the equation....work=boys)...but we of course had other books -- Blueberries for Sal! (plink!plank!plunk!) Make Way For Ducklings! The Little Engine That Could! All these books, their covers, the wonderful illustrations, even the authors (Watty Piper! What a name!). And we got those books -- over and over, apparently -- from the library.
What a wonderful place a library is. I hardly ever go to a library anymore.
Caddie Woodlawn. Of course, the Little House books. The Borrowers! Tom Sawyer (oh that love story with Becky and Tom), Little Women. And Nancy Drew, Sue Barton, some other nurse series, and even the Hardy Boys every once in awhile....and the greatest story of all time: HEIDI. I could not get enough of that girl.
I know my mother loved it that I was a reader, and I in turn loved it that my daughter was a ferocious reader.
I believe my gratitude list tonight will include Mike Mulligan, because he really took me back to a pleasant place today. THANKS MIKE!!