Monday, February 28, 2011

Postponing the Inevitable

Four months is long enough to go between posts. Appropriately, I have been considering the concept of "procrastination" these last few days, after working with a client who presented this as his issue. Processing afterwards, a colleague said, "what is that about? is it power?" I answered, "is it dependency?" Now I am wondering, "is it perfectionism?" Usually, my bottom line answer to a series of "is it?" questions like that is, "it doesn't matter what it's about," and in this case, I think it's procrastination to wallow about wondering why.

I have an image of what a blog post should be. If what is going on in my head doesn't match that image, no blog post gets written. I'd like to think....maybe I could start with writing the blog post, rather than the ideal image.

That's my standard procrastination technique -- staying so focused on the "thing I want," that I never get started on the road to it!

The new "thing I want": taking the step off the curb and being on the road!