Thursday, October 6, 2011

Church #8

Church #8
October 2, 2011

Finally got myself back in the pews.  Today I chose a nearby “United” Church – I think it is a yoked congregation? Of Methodists and UCC.  Maybe.  The hymnals were UCC.  The disjointed sentences reflect my disjointed sense of church and spirituality. 

Today was Youth Sunday and also World Communion Sunday.  The small youth group presented a slide show/video of their recent mission trip.  This part of the worship definitely took me back to watching my own two on all their Youth Sundays.  What I kept thinking was – it doesn’t look like such a big deal – but it is!  It’s wonderful that they’re up there, creating and in charge. 

So I did not hear a “sermon” from their new minister.  She did preside over communion, which was with several different types of bread – pita, cornchips, rice cakes and then intinction. 

The church appears to have a major commitment to environmental stewardship and what they called “external ministries,” i.e., outreach or mission in other church language.  Not a large church, but I got the feeling everyone has something to do and everyone participates and supports the ministry of the church.  I don’t always get that feeling.  

There were at least seven Prius cars in the parking lot.  Yes, I counted.

They were extremely friendly to this visitor; I was greeted three times before I got to my seat.  One of the greeters sat with me, but maybe that was just her usual pew! 

I didn’t recognize most of the music, but they did play a song by Susan Werner – I swear I’ve heard her before on NPR or some such place.  It was great.  It’s called “help somebody.”   They used it to jump start their stewardship campaign.  I loved it.  

So – back to church!  I feel so peripheral to it all.